The admission process is as follows:

To register for the 2025-2026 school year please click on the link below

1. Complete the application using the link above.

2. Call the school to schedule an interview and entrance exam with the principal.

3. At the time of the interview bring the following:

  • a copy of the candidate's academic and discipline records from previous school
4. Meet all criteria for evaluation for admission:
  • academic performance
  • behavioral performance
  • If they have been enrolled in a non-accredited home school program or a non-accredited school, students enrolling in Central Christian Academy who are in grades K5 through the eighth grade must take an entrance exam. The student will be placed in the grade as determined by the test.
5. Pay the $350.00 registration fee and complete Tuition Agreement Contract

6. Following interview, application and recommendation candidates will be referred to the Board of Directors or their designee to accept or to deny admission.

To request more information contact the Admissions Office:

Mon-Thurs 7:30am - 4pm


You can also request more information by filling out the form below.

Admissions Forms